The difficulties with licensing your work; a critique of free cultural works

The first difficulty to address is why the open education community accepts the non-commercial license as non-free. For starters, there is an essay at Freedom Defined arguing not only why these licenses are non-free, but how they actually make the “situation worse than the traditional copyright model.” They then go on to state the reasons…

AirSonic 10.6.1 & ListenBrainz

It is with great joy that I report that the new api for works flawlessly with AirSonic 10.6.1 – this is amazing and returns me to the early days of AudioScrobbler (I imported the last 10 years since last reset of history) but with Free Software flavor … amazing … #freesoftware #hackingprojects #gnulinux…

fail2ban basics

fail2ban Jonathan Haack Haack’s Networking //fail2ban// This tutorial is designed to help you install fail2ban and get a basic set of configurations in place. As always, these blog posts have an associated wiki post that receives updates and changes: fail2ban wiki post. sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.localsudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local Once inside the configuration file jail.local…
