Forking a FLOSS Pokemon Project

//frontier-team-builder// Latest Updates: This tutorial is designed for users of Debian GNU/Linux who wish to self-host a version of, an MIT licensed Pokémon GO project designed by KakunaMatata. The primary purposes of are to allow lovers of the game to build a collection of Pokémon suited for battle, called a battle party…

Authoritative DNS Server with ISPConfig

Latest Wiki: //ispconfig// This tutorial is for self-hosting your own authoritative DNS server using ISP Config and bind9. The requirements are that you own three IPs, have a domain dedicated just for this with three A records pointing towards three clean Debian installs on each of the VMs. The names would be,, and…

Pihole on the Beagle Bone Black

piholeonblack Jonathan Haack Haack’s Networking //piholeonblack// This tutorial instructs users on how to get a vanilla pihole instance functioning on the Beagle Bone Black. Please remember that my blog posts age, but my original Wiki post for this will receive updates as software/distributions/configurations change etc. Also, I don’t cover why to install a DNS…

The difficulties with licensing your work; a critique of free cultural works

The first difficulty to address is why the open education community accepts the non-commercial license as non-free. For starters, there is an essay at Freedom Defined arguing not only why these licenses are non-free, but how they actually make the “situation worse than the traditional copyright model.” They then go on to state the reasons…

AirSonic 10.6.1 & ListenBrainz

It is with great joy that I report that the new api for works flawlessly with AirSonic 10.6.1 – this is amazing and returns me to the early days of AudioScrobbler (I imported the last 10 years since last reset of history) but with Free Software flavor … amazing … #freesoftware #hackingprojects #gnulinux…

invoice plane

This tutorial is for users of Debian who have already established a host with TLS/LAMP and want to create an InvoicePlane instance in order to create and send invoices to clients. If you have not yet completed TLS/LAMP, however, please begin with ApacheSurvival. (As always, please refer to the wiki for the latest changes/updates to…
