Virtualization stack growing pains and PeerTube Hype!

//peertube// Latest Updates: As part of the Haack’s Networking business, I run a virtualization stack on a Supermicro 6028U-TRTP+ Dual 8-core Xeon E5-2650 2.2Ghz, with 384GB RAM, which has 576 virtual CPUs to allocate, or 24*12*2, which is threads *cores*sockets. This host uses Debian and virsh+qemu and a collection of bash scripts to manage…

Automating virt-install with preseed.cfg

//preseed// Latest Updates: I created my own virtualization stack which is complete with version control, file backups, full image backups and more. Additionally, because my client base and use-case does not require that I spin up VMs too often, it was very easy to just keep a few VMs pre-configured generically and then virt-clone…
