Word Press Multi-Site

Fellow educators, free software hackers, and other community members, I have begun the #LiDA103 course and I am posting this new feed to see if syndication is working and to “declare myself.” Here goes! I am a math teacher at SF Community College, do contract work as an IT Consultant at Schaefer IT Consulting under…


How I found the OERu and a bit about why it matters … Today’s educational landscape is adopting technological innovations at every level. There is little discussion, however, about how we incorporate these tools into the educational microsystem, and less about which ones to use and why. As a result, districts, colleges, etc., are offering…

rstudio server proxy

As always, please refer to the wiki for the latest version of this tutorial: rstudio. This tutorial is to set up rstudio on Debian. First, download and install the package: cd ~ sudo apt install r-base sudo apt install gdebi wget https://download2.rstudio.org/server/debian9/x86_64/rstudio-server-1.2.1335-amd64.deb sudo gdebi rstudio-server-1.2.1335-amd64.deb Make sure you already have an existing LAMP stack running…

Encryption Basics

#freesoftware #debian #encryption #luks This tutorial is designed to help folks set up an encrypted partition on Debian GNU/Linux and, optionally, to mount that crypt at the time of boot. I am copying and pasting the tutorial below as of today’s date, but as always, please note that these are entries that I live update…

Apache Survival Revisited

#apachesurvival #debian #freesoftware #haackingclub #gnulinux Hey all, I extensively upgraded, reworded, and simplified apachesurvival, and put it and everything else in order so that you can proceed from setting up your LAMP stack with TLS, to creating some content management. I hope to add Django and some other tutorials to the bottom of this, including…

Nextcloud Revisited

#haacksnetworking #haackingclub #freesoftware #gnulinux #debian Well, it was March when I last created a Nextcloud instance, and there have been extensive updates since then (two major versions), and Debian Stretch, has gone from 9.4 all the way to 9.9. At any rate, I was charged with creating a new instance on a VPS, and I…


#freesoftware #slackware #gnulinux This is a basic tutorial on setting up Slackware gnulinux and the live-update wiki entry can be found here. slackware Jonathan Haack Haack’s Networking netcmnd@jonathanhaack.com Install os, then add non-root user adduser Follow the prompts then join wheel group, then add these by using up arrow wheel,floppy,audio,video,cdrom,plugdev,power,netdev,lp,scanner Set up WPA2 network: nano…


#haacksnetworking #gnulinux #freesoftware #debian Today, I am sharing a new wiki post that documents how I remotely upgrade servers automatically. I was getting tired of entering the same commands over and over for each server. I scoured online sources and put them together in this fashion for my own use. I have reprinted the first…


#haacksnetworking #freesoftware #gnulinux A little mini-tutorial on how to set up TLS with apt-get on Debian … to encrypt traffic betwen Debian’s package repository and your host. Original post can be found here. sudo apt install apt-transport-https sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list I recommend #commenting out everything and putting the below repos when the file opens: deb…

virt-manager hell

just a slew of basics that I keep around for two basic tasks … rebuilding the virbr0 interface and bridge … and expanding a virtual .img file that has become too small with time … #gnulinux #debian … as always, you can contribute or find the latest version at Haack’s Wiki – virtmanagerhell … virtmanagerhell…
