Virtualization stack growing pains and PeerTube Hype!

//peertube// Latest Updates: As part of the Haack’s Networking business, I run a virtualization stack on a Supermicro 6028U-TRTP+ Dual 8-core Xeon E5-2650 2.2Ghz, with 384GB RAM, which has 576 virtual CPUs to allocate, or 24*12*2, which is threads *cores*sockets. This host uses Debian and virsh+qemu and a collection of bash scripts to manage…

Forking a FLOSS Pokemon Project

//frontier-team-builder// Latest Updates: This tutorial is designed for users of Debian GNU/Linux who wish to self-host a version of, an MIT licensed Pokémon GO project designed by KakunaMatata. The primary purposes of are to allow lovers of the game to build a collection of Pokémon suited for battle, called a battle party…

Backing Up VMs

//backingupvms// Warning: This blog post will age. To find the latest script, go here. This tutorial is for users of Debian GNU/Linux who seek to back up, manage space, and provide version control for KVM virtual machines, or VMs for short here on out (presume using all pure virsh and qemu). First of all, the…

The difficulties with licensing your work; a critique of free cultural works

The first difficulty to address is why the open education community accepts the non-commercial license as non-free. For starters, there is an essay at Freedom Defined arguing not only why these licenses are non-free, but how they actually make the “situation worse than the traditional copyright model.” They then go on to state the reasons…
