Virtualization stack growing pains and PeerTube Hype!

//peertube// Latest Updates: As part of the Haack’s Networking business, I run a virtualization stack on a Supermicro 6028U-TRTP+ Dual 8-core Xeon E5-2650 2.2Ghz, with 384GB RAM, which has 576 virtual CPUs to allocate, or 24*12*2, which is threads *cores*sockets. This host uses Debian and virsh+qemu and a collection of bash scripts to manage…

Setting up a Self-Hosted RustDesk Instance

//rustdesk// Latest Updates: This tutorial is for users of Debian GNU/Linux who want to setup a self-hosted RustDesk instance. This tutorial is designed for a public facing instance/domain which uses an apache2 reverse proxy to serve TLS requests back to the gohttp server listening on port 8000. TLS certs are handled by Let’s Encrypt…

Recursive DNS w/ Unbound

//openwrtmt6000// Latest Updates: This tutorial is for users of Debian GNU/Linux who want to run their own recursive DNS server using the Unbound project. In this scenario, I am using GL.iNet MT6000 router and a separate AP. The router handles all dhcp/dns for the LAN / private subnet. In the openWRT config on the router’s dhcp server, I specify…

Authoritative DNS Server with ISPConfig

Latest Wiki: //ispconfig// This tutorial is for self-hosting your own authoritative DNS server using ISP Config and bind9. The requirements are that you own three IPs, have a domain dedicated just for this with three A records pointing towards three clean Debian installs on each of the VMs. The names would be,, and…

Mail Server

//mailserver// Tutorial: The tutorial and setup details can be found on the Wiki. The official documentation for postfix and dovecot is great, but also a big thanks to Linux Babe again for a treasurer trove of resources and tips. The mail server tutorial is for users of Debian GNU/Linux who want to set up a…

Synapse Instance

//synapse// Reminder: Only the Wiki has the latest changes, so for complex live instance, visit the source wiki for the latest updates/corrections/changes. This tutorial is for users of Debian GNU/Linux who want to create their own synapse/matrix instance. The [[|official documentation]] was solid and the [[|Hack Liberty]] tutorial had many great insights. I have everything…

Mastodon Instance

mastodon Jonathan Haack Haack’s Networking //mastodon// This tutorial is for users of Debian GNU/Linux who want to set up a mastodon instance. This particular instance runs in a VM (4-core / 16GB RAM / 1TB) for which the underlying host OS setup and hardware is outlined here: . I used Mastodon’s official docs…

Restarting AirSonic After Reboot or Crash

airsonic (restart script update) Jonathan Haack Haack’s Networking //airsonic (restart script update)// Have an AirSonic instance? If so, you need to reboot at times and/or it may crash. If so, here’s a simple script I run to monitor whether it is up or not, and start it if not and/or write a log entry…
